About Addie
Sometimes when it is late at night, you wonder if the scary shadows of the window curtain that resemble a vampiric giraffe are really there, and if they are the same as the robotic-can-opener-hover-ferry that you see when looking at the goofy shaped cloud overhead during the day. You wonder if those are the same as the stories that you write and heard as a child, or the math and science lessons that you learned in 3rd grade. You didn't make them on purpose, they were there, but your consciousness had to observe them - nay create them - and it is possible no one in the history of time other than you may have seen those same things.
Paradoxical as this all may be, the answer to your late night meanderings is an indisputable, Yes! They are all Addie. Long before Gods dropped their superficial countenances, decided that trying to act "cool" and be in the popular cliques was overrated, long before they went with their true callings and became plants, fungi, bacteria, animals, helium, humans, gluon, books etc. Addie had persisted. Addie was a rebellious entity, not quite god, not quite plasmic super globule. She likes birds, and some say she may be one. She likes it when people kiss each other, or when cats cuddle with rodents. And if a pigeon was best friends with a cat she would just die! omg!